PlumbingSales delivers to most regions within Australia. For detailed delivery information, please refer to our DELIVERY page. If your postcode isn't covered, feel free to email us at info@plumbingHQ.com.au, and we’ll inform you of the available delivery options.
The delivery timeline depends on your location, the items ordered, and the payment method chosen. Orders are usually processed and dispatched within 1-2 business days for in-stock products. Bank transfers must be cleared before dispatch. You'll receive an email confirming when your order has shipped. Refer to our DELIVERY destinations page for transit times. Please note that delays may occur during public holidays, and remote areas may experience extended delays due to weather or transport schedules.
Yes, you can opt for Click & Collect from our warehouse at (Enter Address). Most orders are ready for pickup within an hour for in-stock items. You will receive a confirmation email once your order is prepared. Choose the Click & Collect option at checkout and bring your order confirmation number with you. Direct Deposit payments must clear before the items can be picked up. Please note that all orders must be placed online as we do not offer over-the-counter sales.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, Zip Pay, and Electronic Bank Transfers. Direct deposits must clear before dispatch. There are no additional fees for credit card payments. Please note that we do not accept cheques or cash.
We always try to meet special delivery requests and urgent orders. However, due to varying transportation factors and geographical locations across Australia, certain services may be unavailable.
Yes, all warranties are provided by the manufacturers or suppliers of our products. Every product we sell meets Australian Standards and WELS ratings (where applicable). We only stock products that meet these standards. For more details, visit our WARRANTY page.
If you won’t be home for the delivery, you can provide Authority to Leave instructions at checkout. If the courier can't deliver the goods due to unforeseen circumstances, they'll either attempt redelivery or provide instructions for collection. In cases where a second delivery fails, the items may be sent to a local transport depot. It is your responsibility to collect the goods from there or arrange another delivery at your expense. Please note, delivery instructions are not available for orders sent via Australia Post Express satchels.
Yes, you can specify a different shipping address during checkout. However, each order can only be shipped to one address, so if you need multiple delivery addresses, you'll need to place separate orders. For any other inquiries, feel free to contact us at info@plumbingHQ.com.au, and we'll be happy to assist.